The Malate Dehydrogenase CUREs Community
Powerpoint file for the August 11th Workshop
This summer we are pleased to announce that both activities will involve a unique collaboration between three major protein-centric CURE communities, the BASIL group, BioMolViz, and MCC with the goal of helping faculty implement and collaborate CUREs between these groups to benefit our students.
2021 MCC IUSE Summer Meeting & Workshops
Registration:All components of the Meeting and Workshops will be held virtually using Zoom. If you respond to this announcement by emailing, expressing interest in attending you will be asked to register for the meeting (there is no registration fee) and will receive follow-up emails about the meeting.
Pre-Meeting Workshop for New Members Planning to teach their first MCC CURE this coming year
Tuesday, August 3rd. 10am to 12 Noon Eastern Standard Time.
The main meeting will involve 3 Half Day Meetings, held 1pm to 5pm Eastern Standard time on:
August 3rd. Session 1: Updates on MCC CURE research topics and Project Areas
1.00pm: Introductions and welcome to the meeting, meeting goals and overview
1.15pm: Jessica Bell: Basic Enzymology Project Areas
2.00pm: Joe Provost: Metabolons and Post Translational Modification Project Areas: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
2.45pm Break
3.00pm: Ellis Bell: Comparative Enzymology and Evolution Project Areas
3.45pm: Breakout Groups
4.45pm: Report Back from Breakout Groups
August 4th. Session 2: Working with other CURE groups: BASIL, MolBioViz
1.00pm: Introductions and welcome to the session, Session goals and overview
1.15pm: Orientation to BioMolViz: Dan Dries
2.15pm: Orientation to BASIL: Paul Craig & Mike Pikaart
3.15pm: Break
3.30pm: Breakout Groups
Creating common CURE structures and assessments
August 5th. Session 3: Plans for the follow up IUSE Grant Application
1.00pm: Introduction to the session goals
1.15pm: Overview of the IUSE 2.0 “OUR CUREs” Structure
1.45pm: The Pedagogical Research Questions to be pursued
Overview & Breakout groups
3.15pm Break
3.45: Reports from Breakout groups and discussion
MCC Working Group Sessions
Three working groups will be formed each of which will meet for three sessions to discuss, define and produce finished product for the MCC Web Site.
The 3 working groups will be focused on 1) Documentation of Materials for MCC CUREs, led by Joe, 2) The MCC Web site, led by Jessica, and 3) General Organization, Best Practices, Rubrics and Sample Curricula for MCC & OUR CUREs , led by Ellis
Participants will have the option of signing up for one of the working groups.
Working group sessions will be held on (you will need to be available for all three sessions to qualify for the working group stipend – see below):
Tuesday July 27th. 1pm - 4pm Eastern Standard Time
Thursday July 29th.1pm - 4pm Eastern Standard Time
Monday August 2nd.1pm - 4pm Eastern Standard Time
Hands On Workshop
The Hands On Workshop will be held on August 10th. & 11th. and consist of three components:
i) MCC
iii) BioMolViz
Tentative Workshop Schedule:
August 10th:
9am – 11.30pm: WetLab Approaches to study Proteins in MCC CUREs
12.Noon – 2.30pm: BASIL, part 1
3pm – 5.30pm: BioMolViz, part 1
August 11th.
9am – 11.30pm: BioMolViz, part 2
12.Noon – 2.30pm: BASIL, part 2
3pm – 5.30pm: Computational Approaches to study Proteins in MCC CUREs